Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Miracle Baby

Is it really September 4? I delivered a baby on August 27 but today September 4, I got to hold my baby. All I can say it that is was magical. I was shaking, I was crying, my heart was racing. I came out of the nursery and my Mom handed the phone to me to talk to my sister. I did not know what to say, I feel overwhelmed, I feel blessed. All I want to do is to go back in and hold her again.

Thank you for your so many prayers, miracles really do happen.



Anonymous said...

The picture of you holding Anna is the best gift of this Grandma. We continue to pray for the family.

Nellie Daum said...

I've been on the computer more while on vacation this week than I am when I'm not. It's all been because of Anna. I've checked every couple of hours or so for updates. First thing in the morning, before the dog is even walked, and last thing before going to bed. It's been like a favorite book. The ups, the downs, the laughter and the sorrows. But no book has ever brought be the joy, the tears and laughter as this entry. Seeing the photo of Jessica holding Anna was the most beautiful site I've ever seen. God bless you all for your courage and thank you for sharing. I will continue to keep up with things until she is home safe and sound. That means, David, that when I'm back at work, I'll still be reading your blog on company time.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Nell, I keep this blog page pulled up on my computer all the time, continuously checking in.

(what in the world did we do before computers???) ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see you hold your little angel. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. I remember when Evelyn had open heart surgery and I asked God "Why my child?" I know there is a reason only God knows why. Someday we will find out. But remeber The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Also know that every minute you are next to Anna talking to her and touching her, she knows her parents voice, touch and smell. Stay strong and know we are all praying for your family.

Lots of Love,
Carrie, Hobie, Olivia, Madeline, Evelyn.

Ashley Lambert said...

Well we have all been praying for you and baby anna, we even took a moment to pray over the intercom at putnam acres. When i get up in the mourning i look to see how shes doing when i get home i do it again everyday is better then the last.When i seen you holding your baby girl for the first time it brought tears to my eyes it just goes to show miricles do happen! God bless all of you and we miss you jess!!!

Anonymous said...

And here I thought it was just good to hear David's voice the other day. What a treat to sit at my desk this morning and "cry happy" at the sight of a mother holding her baby for the long-awaited first time. Wonderful. Good news, indeed.