Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day 11

I visited Anna this morning at 7:30 AM. She was doing well. Still very irritable. They continue to have to give her small doses of Morphine because she does not calm easy. The Cpap is still on although the oxygen concentration has been lowered to 30. I talked to the nurse this afternoon and she stated that she was resting. We will go back and visit her later tonight. It has been very hard for me to not be at her side today but I know tha she is in good hands.

I am spending the day with Jill while David and Lissie went to see the Buckeye’s play in Columbus. Jill and I have had a lot of fun although how quickly you forget the energy level of a one year old.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for the whole Trinko family.Your family picture is beautiful.Uncle Paul and I are greatly looking forward to seeing you and little Anna on Sunday! She truly is a miracle! Love, Aunt Deb