Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have a doctor's appointment, why can't they make an appointment to remove the tube?

On Thursday afternoon I have my one week check-up with my doctor after having the c-section. I sometimes wonder why we can not make an appointment to have Anna's vent removed. So much of our lives revolves around scheduled events. In this situation, I know that it is not possible to know when she will be ready to be off the ventilator but in my mind it would make it so much easier.

They still have not made too many changes to Anna's vent settings today. This is difficult for me to understand but I know that I am not the Dr. This evening the nurse practitioner did state that at mid-night they would reduce by .5 and then another .5 at 6:00 AM. They call the number we are reducing the map. As of right now we are at 13.5 so hopefully they by morning she will be at 12.5. The Nurse Practitioner stated that Dr. Romero said that he wanted her at 10 before it was removed. She said that she has never seen them take it that low before removing the vent. Usually they only go that far down when it is a tiny baby. I told her that I was anxious to hold the baby and that I have seen that Anna is so much more vibrant today. She stated that she was working again on Friday night and that tube better be out by then! That was not a scheduled appointment but it definitely eased my mind that there is some hope to getting this tube out in the next 48 hours.


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