Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday...

Jessica and I celebrated Anna's one-week birthday tonight. And, much to our surprise, a very alert and cheerful Anna was there for it.
Anna opened her eyes all the way for us while we counted down that magical time of 8:10 p.m. She looked around a lot. It certainly made me wonder what she thought she saw.
She has this amazing look of acceptance when she looks at the tube in her throat. She appears a tad annoyed with it, but she seems to accept it in the same way I accept my crooked fingers or that my second toe is longer than my big toe. It's just a fact of life for her.
All of her numbers looked great while I was there. It's really hard not to be optimistic when you see that she's breathing on her own at levels that could sustain her when she's awake. I want to believe she'll be breathing on her own on Thursday.
But I also completely and totally trust our doctors and nurses. If it's not the right time, we'll wait.
While it's mixing a birthday message with a wedding memory, as I've pondered our situation with Anna I keep coming back to a theme from our wedding a few years ago: "True love is worth waiting for." While I can't wait to hold Anna again and make sure she knows we love her, I'm also willing to wait until she's really ready and we can make her tube-less permanently.

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