Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Going Home?

Anyone who has attempted to be discharged from a hospital knows how difficult it can be. Today we started that process in anticipation that Anna will be coming home on Wednesday. On the agenda for Anna today. A head ultrasound. Come to find out, on Day 1 they did a head ultrasound and found a minor bleed in her brain. This is common for babies who have gone through what Anna has. I talked to the neonatologist and he said that it is a grade 1 and it should resolve itself. Just to make sure they completed a second ultrasound of her head. It was kind of neat to watch because they did it using only the soft spot on her head. Anna will also have a hearing screening. At some point on Tuesday, Anna will also be evaluated by physical and occupational therapy. Finally, Anna will have a car seat test to see if she can tolerate sitting in her car seat for 1 ½ hours. If all goes well she should be discharged on Wednesday afternoon.

Anna was given specific instructions to avoid crowds and to make sure that everyone in the Trinko household has excellent hand washing skills. Also I was instructed to purchase lots of antibacterial hand sanitizer and to make sure that she is not exposed to anyone who has any respiratory infections. Anna will be eligible to receive a special vaccination for RSV to help prevent her from getting this respiratory infections. We will follow up with our regular pediatrician, who I am sure will keep a close eye on her.


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