Friday, September 26, 2008

Almost 1 Month Old

Anna continues to make progress. Everyday she is making strides and growing. I still can not believe the progress that she has made in the last couple of weeks and that Anna will be celebrating her one month birthday tomorrow. We do not have another Doctor's appointment until mid October. I am anticipating going to the Doctor to continue to get the confirmation from medical professionals that she is going to be OK.

Sleep is still a challenge for us. We have made some progress and she has begun to actually sleep for a couple of hours at night between feedings. I did find that she seemed to like the pacifier that we got from the hospital. The only problem was that these particular pacifiers were not available in stores. I had to order them on-line. Luckily they were shipped quickly and we are all happy.

Big Sister Jill is also starting to adapt to having “baby” around. She still likes to grab at her and she would love to have Anna's bottle. The word “no” is said many times a day in our household.
David returned to work this week which leaves me at home with Anna. It is so quiet here during the day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jill is also home with us. Things are not so quiet on those days. I have learned that I have to be much more organized on those days. I have to say that I have never given stay at home Moms enough credit. It really is a full-time job.

We have enjoyed our double stroller and have taken many walks. We have also had many visitors over the last week. We have made some short trips which have all resulted in a lot of screaming in the van. I am still very cautious about the places we go, I am terrified that she will develop a respiratory infection that could be dangerous for her.

1 comment:

The Lammers' Family said...

We are so glad to hear that things are improving for Anna. Your family has been on our minds a lot over the past month. As a F.T. stay-at-home Mom, I must say it is the hardest job I've ever had... Despite the exhaustion, try to enjoy the milestones! The time goes by so quickly. Before you know it she'll be 13!