Sunday, September 7, 2008

Treatment Plan Day 12

Anna still remains on an IV for her nutrition. Her breathing is being closely monitored. She is starting to take small feedings. Today we talked about the “H” word with the Nurse Practitioner. Home that is. I asked when we can expect her to be coming home and what it will take for little Anna to join her big sisters at home. She needs to be able to take at least 2 oz of formula every 2 – 4 hours, maintain a good body temperature and to be able to maintain a steady respiration rate and good oxygen level in her blood. The Nurse Practitioner stated that she thought if everything went perfect, she could be home as early as mid to late week. I was so excited to hear that news. I also know that I have some work to do at home before we bring her home. I have a feeling that when I bring her home, all I will want to do is hold her. We have some lost time to make-up for.

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