Saturday, August 30, 2008

Relaxing and Chilling

David and I went to visit Anna this evening. She looks very relaxed. We continue to get positive news about her status. They have taken many small steps today to reduce the concentration of the oxygen and pressure from the ventilator. Of course, she continues to heavily rely on the ventilator but has shown some signs this evening of wanting to take small breaths on her own. She is being sedated so they do not expect her to breath too much on her own.
I get one more night to stay in the hospital as a patient. Tomorrow is a new day. I personally can not leave this hospital while Anna is still supported with the vent. I think I may have some options that will allow me to stay in another area of the hospital so that I can stay close to Anna. They have some rooms that can be rented in the older part of the hospital. It is not a Holiday Inn but it will allow me to be close to her and available to be at her side in the case of any changes. I can not imagine at this point leaving St.Rita's and being in Ottawa.
I miss my two other girls so much. I know that they are in good hands and are being spoiled rotten. When I asked Lisse about her stay at Aunt Kelli's house she stated "Excellent" I do not think that we will get to see the older girls on Sunday but hopefully Monday we can have an opportunity to be together.
It is now time to get a good nights sleep (with the aid of a few relaxation drugs). I usually make a phone call to the nursery right before I fall asleep and if I wake in the night I always call to get an update.
David returned home this evening to get us some new clothes and sleep in a real bed. He will not be gone for real long because Mass is at 6:15 AM tomorrow morning.
Please continue to pray for Anna.

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