Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Sister Lissie

The visit to the hospital by our children today was more for David and I. We just need the opportunity to see our girls and spend some time with them. It turned out that Lissie wanted to come to the hospital for a reason too. After a unsuccessful and some what traumatizing attempting to introduce Lissie to her little sister earlier in the week, we thought that she would not want to see her again today. I was wrong. She asked is she could go and we got some special privileges for Big Cousin Emma to join her. They both did great and were very "brave" They asked a lot of question and I tried to explain to the best of my ability. Lissie also drew a picture for Anna which is prominently displayed in her crib. I am also proud of Lissie and hope that tomorrow she wants to again visit Anna so she can feel like she is part of the baby's life.

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