Friday, August 29, 2008

The first 24 hours

Welcome to the world Anna Marie Trinko. Born Wednesday August 27 at 8:10 PM.

Mom is doing well now and recovering. Anna was delivered at 36 weeks because Mom was suffering from severe pre-eclampsia and the Dr felt that it would be better to deliver baby rather than take the risk that Mom could have a seizure which could be fatal to both Mom and Baby.

Anna's little life is off to a rough start. She is currently in the Special Care Nursery at St. Rita's Hospital. She is getting very good care for her breathing issues. At this time she is on a ventilator to increase her lung strenght. The hope is that she can be taken off of the ventialtor in the next couple of days but probably wont be coming home for a couple of weeks.

Big sisters Lissie and Jill are doing well. Lissie got to meet her sister but she was a little overwhelmed by the whole experience She can not wait for her little sister to "get big".

Please keep Baby Anna is your thoughts and prayers.

Jessica Trinko

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