Thursday, February 5, 2009


It seems that Anna has encountered yet another bump in this road we call life. On Wednesday morning we were informed by the day care that one of the kids in the nursery had RSV, which is a virus that attacks the airways in infants. My stomach immediately sunk because Anna had been coughing for a couple of days but I also reminded myself that we were some what protected because we have received the injections to help fight this illness. I immediately called the pediatrician and we went for an appointment in the afternoon. By this time Anna was wheezing and coughing and it was pretty apparent that something was wrong. She was given a breathing treatment at the office and then we went to our favorite place the hospital to get an x-ray and test for RSV. We got to go home, by pleading and stating that I would watch her. We were given orders for the breathing treatments and to watch her close and to go to the ER is anything changed. The pediatrician called back around 9:00 PM to confirm that Anna in fact did have RSV and to top it off, pneumonia. I am home toady keeping a real close eye on her. And taking lots of calls from the pediatricians office to make sure that there are no changes.

It brings back so many awful memories to see her struggling to breathe again. I know that she will be OK but for some reason I can not stop feeling guilty that I some how have caused this poor little child to go through so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please don't feel guilty. My little one has been fighting off colds since middle of October. Rattles in the chest. I was too scared to bring him to the hospital feeling he would get a worst cold. He now is on a puffer until May. I think our first year is going to have lots of bumps! Good luck. I believe you are doing a wonderful job! Remember you little girl can't live in a bubble, although sometimes I wish they can! It tears at your heart.