Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5 Months Old

Sometimes I look back and think it seems like so long ago when we first met Anna and all of the emotions and pain we experienced with her birth. It is hard to remember a time when she was not part of our family. On the other hand it is hard to believe that our little miracle is 5 months old.

Anna has had a good couple of weeks. We have had a few bumps in the road but we have had some progress. A few weeks ago she had a barium swallow. This test confirmed what we already knew. Anna has severe reflux. Everything else looked fine. I was concerned while the test was being performed because from start to finish the test took about 3 ½ hours. I was in the room for part of the procedure and was able to see the live x-ray that should the barium being brought back up into her esophagus. We also had an incident where another Pediatrician changed the dosage on some of the medications when we went to have them refilled. The Pharmacist called the doctors office because he felt the dose was too high for a 10 pound baby. They cut the dose in half not knowing her history. It was a long weekend until we were able to get in contact with our Pediatrician and get the dose straightened out. The evenings are still the worst time. We have become so accustomed to her “fussy” time. Anna has started eating cereal and seems to enjoy it. Late last week she weighed in at around 11 pounds.

Anna has become very interested in her surroundings. She is so observant and is taking in everything that happens. She also loves her sisters. She gets so excited when she sees either of them. Lissie loves to talk to her and she keeps a count of how many smiles she has gotten (I think she is somewhere around 200 smiles at this point). Jill on the other hand loves to harass her little sister but Anna still get so excited when Jill plays with her.
We are still trying to figure our Anna’s nickname. Jill quickly got the nickname Jilly Bean which has been shortened to Bean. Lissie which is already short for Elisabeth has the nicknames Lou and Lisser. Baba (my Mom) likes to call her Anna Banana and sometimes David calls her Belle. I am sure over time something will stick

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