Sunday, February 8, 2009


I feel so fortunate that we avoided a stay in the hospital this time. Although we did not end up in the big house, it has not been smooth sailing at home. She is still wheezing a lot and is obviously uncomfortable. Fortunately her fever has broke and she has a little more energy. With all of the medications and treatments that Anna is on, there are 14 different things that I need to remember to give her in one 24 hour period. Sometimes it can seem rather confusing. I sometimes look at her bib to remind me of the color of medication that I have given her. She is still getting breathing treatments every 4 hours, she is so cute because at first you can tell that she is happy to get “air” but then as gets more comfortable and her lungs clear she wants to be done with the treatment. Anna and I have stayed in the house for the last 5 days. I am looking forward to getting out of the house soon.

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