Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Resting Comfortably on the Magic Pillow

When I went how this afternoon to take a much needed shower, I brought some more of Anna’s stuff with me back to the hospital. Most important was the pillow that she sleeps on and her. This evening she is sleeping very well on her pillow.

I believe that at this point Anna has had every major organ tested and examined. I believe somewhere in this hospital there is a composite picture of the inside of Anna pasted together from all of the different tests that we have gone through in the last 6 months. Today Anna had an ultrasound of her kidneys. David actually got the joy of being the parent who was here for the test. The good news is that her kidneys appear normal. She will have additional tests on her kidneys as soon as she gets over the infection. She is struggling to breath because of the pneumonia and remains on oxygen. She is now getting breathing treatments every 4 hours by the respiratory therapist. We are just in waiting mode to see if she starts to get better, she stays the same or if things continue to decline. It has been kind a day of ups and downs. She will do well for a while and then she gets uncomfortable and very irritable.

I spent the afternoon with the older girls. Lissie had a ton of homework to do because of missing school on Tuesday. We worked to get a good portion done. We ate dinner at home and then went hospital for the exchange but first we stopped in the gift shop to get Baby Anna a gift from her sisters. After a quick visit, David took the girls home for the evening. As Lissie left, I could see the tears in her eyes. She was so brave as she left holding back showing her emotions. I know that I have repeated many times that I hate having my family torn apart but it truly is the worst part of having a sick child because I always feel like I am playing favorites and not able to be there for my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was sitting in my dad's room at St.Rita's this evening, watching him get his breathing treatment, I thought of you and little Anna and sent up yet another prayer for her and will continue to do so every time I think of her. I hope you are able to get some much needed rest.