Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot

I thought that my next entry would be the occasion of Anna turning 6 months, it seems that Anna had different plans. Anna has made today very interesting. She started with a mild fever last night that quickly turned to a really high fever and respiratory distress. I did not want to over react so I waited till the Dr. office opened this morning (I regret that decision now and I wish I would have gone with my gut and taken her in over night). After a phone conversation with a nurse and then the doctor we were instructed to go to the ER. By 9:00 AM we were in Lima. The ER knew we were coming and we were quickly taken to a room. At that point her temperature was 104.5. That is actually the highest fever I had ever seen or ever want to see again. She was grey. Her respirations were really fast. It was very scary.

David had planed to stay home today because Lissie was sick, but the Dr told us to both drive to Lima or we needed to go by ambulance. This meant that poor Lissie had to tag along and she was quite the trooper today. She has a special understanding and patience for her little sister.

At this time we know that Anna has pneumonia. They did lots of test and we have not heard the results of everything yet. Right now she is getting IV fluids, oxygen, and antibiotics. She still is very hot but her fever is starting to come down. I am not excited about spending tonight in the hospital, but I know this is where we need to be and where we will most likely be for the next couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Anna,
We are with you in prayer always... we love you.
Take care!
Aunt Lynn and Uncle Jim
and your cousins -- Ryan, Alexandra and Samuel