Friday, February 27, 2009

Home, sweet home

Anna got a surprise for her 6-month birthday... the chance to sleep at home.

We returned to the Casa Crazy this afternoon. They decided she was doing so well breathing without the oxygen that she could go home to fight the rest of what ails her.

It's an awesome feeling to take your baby home from the hospital, no matter how many times you've had to do it. It reminds you that normal isn't that far away.

She's still a little cranky and might be a handful for a couple days. But at least our family is back together at home, where we belong.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jess and David, "Something" again made me click on Anna's site today and thank God that she is OK! I called your mom(my sister) and was asking her about Anna and she wasn't sure that Anna was home so I then saw that you had posted that Anna is home! I took a pic of Anna with my cell phone and senrt it to your mom. We were also talking about how God works through your Pastor Alfonse. Isn't that awesome! He is definitely heaven sent!God had to send him all the way from Nigeria to minister healing to your precious Anna. Anna is a special little girl that God will use for His glory. And all your little girls are special! We love you all! We pray for you every day! Aunt Deb and Uncle Paul

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank God. Now stay home, Anna! No more with the sick! You have a bunch of people praying for you!