Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home, again

This afternoon we made it home, again. Anna was released from the hospital. She had lost a little more weight this morning but the Pediatrician new of my desire to get home with the entire family. We have to watch her very carefully and make sure that she eats enough. She got her new medications. One to decrease the acid production (a different one) and one to coat the esophagus so it does not make her so uncomfortable. Also her feedings have to be thickened. They are so thick that it almost looks like actual cereal that you would feed a baby. We have to cut all of the nipples on her bottles. She seems happy and content.

We were so excited to have everyone home but we quickly realized that our little adventure had worn on everyone. Lissie was tired and wanted a corn dog. Jill was in desperate need of a nap. Anna wanted it to be like in the hospital, held all the time. David and I looked at each other and smiled. We knew that this was home and this is where we wanted to be.


Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that. Continued prayers for her and the rest of you.

Aunt Deb said...

Dear Jess and David, "Something" told me to look on Anna's blog and check up on her today. I am soo thankful that she is OK and back home. We pray for you all every day, but will say an extra pray for complete healing in her digestion andevery other area for complete healing and normal function. It is wonderful that your hope is in the Lord, for you will never be disappointed!Give little Anna a kiss for us. She is so beautiful! Love, Aunt Deb Isaiah 40:11
11 He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart :)