Monday, January 5, 2009

Anna had a good day at home today. The Pediatrician recommended that we stay home today with her to make sure that she ate well and did not get sick. She spent a quiet morning home with me. I was able to catch up on a little housework while trying to do some of my job form home. She spent the afternoon with David. It was not so quiet. Anna is not the Daddy’s girls that Jill is. After about 3 ½ hours together, David called for assistance and I could hear the screaming in the background. I returned home to a smiling baby. I think that she already likes to test her Dad.

Anna returns to daycare tomorrow. The newest challenge is how to get Anna her mid day dose of her medication. The staff at the daycare cannot administer the medication so this means that we will have to go everyday to give it to her. Since I work within a couple of miles from the day care and David works 30 miles away, I will have to take my lunch everyday and go to the daycare. I will have to sneak in past the toddler room where Jill is to avoid a “Mommy sighting” and hopefully Anna will not get too mad when I come to give her the medication and do not take her home. Not an ideal situation but it is what needs to be done.

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