Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crossing Our Fingers

Anna had a pretty good Saturday. She still has a mild fever, a nasty cough and is generally uncomfortable. She did what she needed to do to avoid another trip to the hospital: keep her breathing under control, no high fevers and eat. So far so good. We will keep our fingers crossed that tomorrow will be just as good or better than today.

For me keeping up on the medications and treatments has been overwhelming. To be exact, there are 15 different medication or treatments that need to be given everyday. It was easy to remember when things were supposed to be given while we were in the hospital but with piles of laundry and dirty bathrooms in my site it is more difficult to remember to do everything as ordered.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Home, sweet home

Anna got a surprise for her 6-month birthday... the chance to sleep at home.

We returned to the Casa Crazy this afternoon. They decided she was doing so well breathing without the oxygen that she could go home to fight the rest of what ails her.

It's an awesome feeling to take your baby home from the hospital, no matter how many times you've had to do it. It reminds you that normal isn't that far away.

She's still a little cranky and might be a handful for a couple days. But at least our family is back together at home, where we belong.

A Smile

Anna is smiling this morning. It is amazing how things can change so quickly. This morning they turned down Anna’s oxygen and then took it off. They took her off the monitors. Now all we have is the IV. The doctor says if she has a really good day she might be able to go home tonight. I am hopefully optimistic that we will be sleeping at home tonight.