Wednesday, October 15, 2008

7 Weeks Old

We are growing! At her Doctor's appointment on Tuesday Anna weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces. Although this puts her at the bottom 3 percentile for her age, the doctor was very happy with this number. On Monday Anna had a head ultrasound and we are still waiting on those results. Other notes from the doctor. Anna is now receiving medication for her reflux issues. She has a terrible time keeping her formula down so now she is on a medication. We are still dealing with constipation issues so now she will get a bottle with water and brown sugar to try to help her. We tried one today and she loved it although we still have not had any results. At this appointment she did get 3 vaccinations. Anna did very well and Daddy was brave as he held her down. We return to the Pediatrician in one month. In a couple of weeks she will go for her physical therapy and occupational therapy assessment.

Anna went with me this morning to the salon. She was so mesmerized and focused as they were putting the foil on my hair. I have never seen her so attentive. I was joking with the beautician that it was like she was supervising to make sure that everything was perfect.
We are still struggling with sleeping at night but we just take one day at a time. I have gotten really good at functioning on very little sleep, although some days I am better than others. I only have a couple of more weeks before I return to work. I have mixed emotions. In a way I miss the adult stimulation but on the other hand I know that it will be hard to leave Anna. I have had plenty of time to prepare myself so hopefully it will be an easy transition.

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