Wednesday, October 8, 2008

6 Weeks Old

I have only posted the pleasant pictures of Anna and I thought that I would provide a picture of what Anna's favorite hobby is: crying.

The last weeks have been full of first. (Not the first I might hope for like the first time we slept for more tan a couple of hours at a time). This weekend the entire family went to the corn maze and pumpkin patch. Strollers are not ideal for corn mazes so we got creative. Lissie walked, Jill rode in a back-up with David and I carried Jill in a snugly on my front. We actually had a really good time. On Sunday, David, Lissie and Anna went to see a movie while Jill and I went to a craft show. Anna has mastered “shut-down mode”. Whenever we go someplace crowded or different she tends to just sleep and try not to acknowledge anyone. She sleeps so soundly and usually does not make a noise. This is great when we are out but we always pay for it when we get into the car to head home and she wants to be held and needs 100% attention.
Anna has become more alert and even has periods where she is awake and not crying. She still can go from quiet and content to screaming in a second so you always have to be on your toes. I attempt to try to keep our home clean but it seems that I always get started on something and then she wakes up. I have had to become creative in order to get things done.

The next week is filled with appointments for Anna and I. We hope to continue to get lots of good news!

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