Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our happy baby

I thought I'd make a rare appearance on this blog, since Jessica's been tied up at work with the worst possible combination of nursing home survey and county budgets.
We're seeing a whole new side of Anna lately: Happy. On a hunch by Jessica, we tried a different type of formula to see if it'd help with Anna's grumpiness and intestinal upheaval. It worked pretty well.
Now we're trying a soy-based formula. The results are even better. While we still have our occasional battles with her between 5 and 10 p.m., she's generally much happier. She's smiling at us. She's giving us these looks that make you proud to be a parent.
Jessica and I have come to grips with certain parallels between our two youngest and ourselves: Jill and I are very similar, in temperament, facial expressions and even our love for milk.
Anna and Jessica are very similar, in temperament, facial expressions and even their disdain for milk.
Thanks for the continued prayers and well-wishes. I hardly go through a week without someone asking me how Anna's faring. I truly believe the power of prayer and well-wishing helped bring her to the point she is now: A fussy 3-month-old, just like she's supposed to be.

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